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Submitted by mauzenne on


Welcome to the Manager Tools Discussion Forums! Based on our experience on the Manager Tools blog, we discovered that our audience wanted a place where they could discuss the practice of management and learn from each other. As valuable as the discussion on the Manager Tools blog were, it turns out that WordPress doesn't make for a create discussion forum. It's too hard to follow discussions and the tools therein just don't quite make it. We're implementing the discussion boards here as an attempt at remedying some of those issues. So, please join us in the immensely rewarding journey of management development! Enjoy!

mauzenne's picture
Admin Role Badge

 Thanks, Jan!  We appreciate the "feedback" greatly. :-)

Best Regards,

Tuatara's picture

Hi Mike and Mark,

Have only recently become a member of the podcast listening fraternity, and it is taking a while to work my way through all the podcasts. Just want to say "thank you" for all the hard work you are putting into this. It is a fantastic resource. I have been in a senior management position for over 10 years now and every time I listen to your podcasts I think to myself "If only I had known this earlier." My circumstances mean that any move up would mean changing country, which is [currently] not an option. However, the tools you lay out here are so helpful, they allow me to be so much better at what I currently do, and when you do your job well (whatever you do), you enjoy your job so much more, which has a great flow on to your peronal life as well.


Thanks again.



breet's picture

really thanks to all of you guys to post here .

RashedMohamed's picture

 This is really a good forum where we can discuss and share of managerial experiences.  Management in all business and organizational activities is the act of coordinating the efforts of people to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises Planning, organizing, stafing, leading or directing, and controlling and organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. 

arlenmark0987's picture

Awesome Forum

beenile's picture

Just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work and give a specific example of how your resources have helped. I hired for a new writer a couple of months ago and used the directions on how to write a job ad (and the interview creation tool/O3s/Feedback/Meetings, etc.). Everything went really well and we hired a great writer. One of the VPs liked the job ad and asked me to write one for an advisor position. I used the job ad instructions again and he was very pleased. Then IT needed a new programmer and another VP asked me to writer the programmer ad. After happily accepting the request--writing is part of my job--I pulled out the job ad instructions and told her that it wasn't a special talent of mine, I was following the directions from Manager Tools. You guys are like secret weapon--except that I tell everyone about you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. :-)

mauzenne's picture
Admin Role Badge

Thanks, beenile! Your kind words are greatly appreciated. Glad we could help!



susan123's picture

I am new to manager tool forum. I want to learn how to to hire effective person with negotiation. 

gehrhorn's picture

If there was a way to report spam I would try and help out. I see a lot of comments and threads about perscripion drugs and the like. Makes it harder to find the new content.


(I'm the IT Security Manager for my company. I understand what you're up against trying to combat spam. Good luck.)

gehrhorn's picture

My profile picture keeps going away. I keep uploading it again, but after a few days...gone. Any ideas? Any inclination to support something like Gravatar

gehrhorn's picture

I keep seeing dollar amounts in the footer and sidebar. For example, when I click "Recent Forum Comments" I see a grey shaded area with $28 in it 3 times. No links, nothing else. Also, on the right of the "Products" page there are just a bunch of dollar figures with nothing attached to them.

michaelscadden's picture

I'd like to thank you for the podcasts, tools, and everything that goes into Manager Tools.  I've had my first one-on-ones with each of my five directs.  Each and every one has shared issues that I could easily resolve, but issues they would have never  wanted to "trouble the colonel" about.  Little adjusments or solutions that make a big difference in their effectiveness and consequently their leadership and morale.

Can I give you some feedback? I’ll assume yes. Your forums could use some form of “upvote” or “like” for the answers offered. One or two responses will nail the question, but I don’t have a way to register my approval without a separate post saying “I agree with xxx”. This function also allows the person asking to sense which response the community considers the best for his/her issue.

shawnivan110's picture

Glad for your kind words.Thanks for the hard work you do to put this on.We really do enjoy helping you grow your skills.


Jollymom's picture

Learning from this thread. Thank you for sharing. 

ZITTER's picture

This is so nice! I came from a management/supervisory team and this have been very useful. Thank you for the great effort in here! 
