
 Hello to Everyone in, near, close to or sort of near Seattle Washington,

     Is anyone interested in forming a meetUp group in the Seattle Washington area? I'm new to managing and would greatly enjoy and benefit from the insight and guidance of how others deal with the the routine of being (or trying to be) effective on a day-to-day basis.

    Thank you for reading and considering this - I hope to hear from all of you soon


12string's picture
Training Badge

 I tried a Portland one while ago, with no response.  Maybe we could meet up somewhere around Centralia...


xuzidan's picture

I will be moving to Seattle from Beijing in June. I'm willing to meet up with Seattle-area MT listeners. We just need 2 to start! I'll PM you with my contact info.

sbockh01's picture
Licensee Badge

I just moved from Chicago and am willing to help organize a Seattle meetup. I participated in a meetup in Milwaukee and worked to get one going to CHI, so would love to meet with other MT managers in the area. When should we have our first meeting?



goetzka's picture


Although I have been in management for a few years, I am new to MT. If you get a meet up group started, I would be interested in participating. The tools and podcasts have been a great resource to me. 



sbockh01's picture
Licensee Badge

Lets pick a Date. To get things started how about..

April 10th?





goetzka's picture

 I am in the middle of end of year reviews, the last week in April would work better for me. I work in the Bothell area. Ideas about where to meet?


mauzenne's picture
Admin Role Badge

Although not a Seattle native, I'll be in Seattle the end of April. If the meet-up happens the week of April 22nd, I'd love to attend.

Would be. Lot of fun!


sbockh01's picture
Licensee Badge

End of April works for me and I can make the 22nd work to include Mike. I am living in Woodinville but work downtown. I am willing to meet anywhere. Since I am new to the area, Karen or others do you have any recommendations ?






brianwidmer's picture
Training Badge

 Glad I noticed this activity in the newsletter -- I would love to participate in something like this. I'm actually doing the MT conference on April 16-17. I could support April 22, 24, or 26 (or possibly the 25th). I work in Redmond and live in Kirkland, so an Eastside locale would be easiest for me.

Smacquarrie's picture

April 22nd can work.
I would love an opportunity to have a meet-up in the area since the last one failed to manifest.

Eastside is best, free parking, but there are several places in Seattle that work too.
I attend a networking event every month at the Citrus in Seattle.
On the Eastside there are several places too. We could meet at the Tap House Grill in Bellevue.

Let us know.

brianwidmer's picture
Training Badge

 Tap House works for me. Monday night should be fairly quiet too.

sbockh01's picture
Licensee Badge

 I am in for the tap house

manager252's picture

 What time?

goetzka's picture

 Monday April 22 at the Bellevue Taphouse is good with me. I can make it any time after 5.

Looking forward to it!


sbockh01's picture
Licensee Badge

 Should we say 5:30 to give folks enough time to commute? 




mauzenne's picture
Admin Role Badge

Looking forward to the 22nd ... Awesome.

Brian, see you at the conference!


sbockh01's picture
Licensee Badge

Just want to confirm everyone good with that.




Smacquarrie's picture

1730 on April 22nd, @ Tap House Grill in Bellevue. Awesome place and time.

For those who need it:
550 106th Avenue NE
Bellevue, WA 98004

This is just 2 blocks east of Bellevue Square Mall.

Looking forward to meeting everyone there.


brianwidmer's picture
Training Badge

 I'll be there!

jen_covert's picture

I'd be interested in joining in as well. 

sbockh01's picture
Licensee Badge

 We will hopefully see you there Jen.

jcnick's picture

 Sounds great.  I hope to be able to make it.


mfculbert's picture

Hello fellow fans,

I look forward to connecting. See you on Monday, 4/22, 5:30.


Smacquarrie's picture

I might be al little late as I have an interview @5 that evening.
Can't wait to meet up with everyone whe. I get there though.


sbockh01's picture
Licensee Badge

 I am running a bit late as well

Smacquarrie's picture

It was great to meet everyone who showed up last night. I look forward to doing more of these in the coming months.

If we can get a get a firm number of people who will attend next month, I will try to reserve a table for us instead of relying on there being room in the bar area.


Thank you Mike for extending your stay and joining/hosting us last night.

I know that we have many more evenings of great conversation ahead of us.


sbockh01's picture
Licensee Badge

Well said Mac. It was great to meet everyone. Cant wait for the next meeting.




el_vikingo's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

 Looking forward to the next meeting. Think there are lot of learnings to be shared.



sbockh01's picture
Licensee Badge

Its almost May. Anyone have recommendations for the next meetup date?

brianwidmer's picture
Training Badge

 Tuesdays work best for me. May 21?

el_vikingo's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

 Sounds good to me

goetzka's picture

 May 21st is good with me. Looking forward to it!

goetzka's picture

 May 21st is good with me. Looking forward to it!

sbockh01's picture
Licensee Badge

I wont be able to make the 21st as it is the first day my family will be in Seattle. If another day works... then great, otherwise go on without me and I will see you in June!

goettjt's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

Still on for the 21st?  At the Tap Room? 

el_vikingo's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

Still on for Tuesday the 21st?

samson_blackwell's picture

If the 21st of May is still on, I'd like to join. Has a specific time/place been determined?

brianwidmer's picture
Training Badge

Sure, let's stick with the 21st. Looks like there are enough interested to push forward.

Bellevue Taphouse

May 21 - 6:00 PM

Sound good?

Smacquarrie's picture

It is scheduled.
Please register if you can attend.
If I need to increase the amount of tickets, I can.

Thank you all.


sbockh01's picture
Licensee Badge

I wont be able to make it but hope the meetup goes well. Looking forward to being at the next one!

davith's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

Enjoyed meeting some of you guys tonight. Thanks for being open to share some of your experiences. Looking forward to next month's meetup.

Smacquarrie's picture

Please join myself and other Manager-Tools minded professionals at the Tap House Grill in Bellevue to discuss issues and experiences with the Manager-Tools philosophies.

For those who need it:
550 106th Avenue NE
Bellevue, WA 98004

This will be a regular event.
We will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of all EVEN months and the 3rd Wednesday of ODD months.

Reservation will be under "Manager-Tools".


Smacquarrie's picture

Just a reminder:
We are all set for tomorrow night, Tuesday June 18th.

Reservation is under Manager-Tools for 10 @ 6PM.

Look forward to seeing everyone.


mfculbert's picture

Looking forward to it.   I will see you all at 6:00.


brianwidmer's picture
Training Badge

 I couldn't attend yesterday. Hope it went well.

I've already put July 17 on my calendar. Looks like I can do that one.

And I'll definitely be up to 4 poker chips by then...


Smacquarrie's picture

We missed you but it was still a good time for the two of us who could make.
Looking forward to seeing everyone next month.


PS: How is the homework coming?

Smacquarrie's picture

I am getting ready to make the reservation for this.

Please contact me privately or sign up on Eventbrite if you plan to attend so I know how many to make the reservation for.

We are averaging about 5-6 people so far.

brianwidmer's picture
Training Badge

The conference call notice just came out. It is the same time as our meetup was scheduled for (July 17 at 5pm Pacific).

Does anyone besides me attend the Licensee calls?


Smacquarrie's picture

As a non-liscensee (currently saving up for the interviewing series), I don't know how long these last.

We can either cancel or you folks can show-up when ever you get done with the call if interested.

el_vikingo's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

Sorry I missed out on the meeting in June, private life got really busy as the family is getting ready to go for vacation.

I am looking forward to join on the 17th of July or should we choose to move it I am fine with that as well.


