Training Badge
Submitted by rachaelip on


Am I the only one who feels motivated to become a more frequent poster after attending the conference?

Meeting all the great MT listeners out there made me realize what an incredible resource and community this place could be. I hereby pledge to be more involved.

rwwh's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

Rachael, if you post more, I'll notice! ;-)

rachaelip's picture
Training Badge

[quote="rwwh"]Rachael, if you post more, I'll notice! ;-)[/quote]

Thanks for the feedback, Rob. :)

rthibode's picture

Hi Rachael,

I'm pretty sure there are lots of people who read all new posts every day. It won't take long before you start to feel you know people here, especially since you've met some in real life.

Welcome to the boards!

wendii's picture
Admin Role Badge

[quote]Am I the only one who feels motivated to become a more frequent poster after attending the conference?

And not just because I threatened you?


Looking forward to hearing from you!


PierG's picture

Go Rachael go! :)

nguigon's picture
Training Badge


You're not the only one. Until now, I had always looked at the forums like a nice entertainment. Now, I need more!


cwatine's picture
Training Badge


You just doubled your score ... Nice shot, man.


nguigon's picture
Training Badge


Thanks. It's just a warm up... 8)

Have a good night.


martinharvey's picture

Like some of you, I have never posted before but I wanted to say that the conference was the best one I have ever been too - and the people I met were fantastic. I don't think I have ever come away from a conference and really wanted to stay in touch with other participants before.
I am going to try to look at and participate in the forums whenever I can.

Javier's picture
Training Badge

First conference I EVER attended and I like every minute of it.

Also incredible the atendees, I can't remember any previous ocasions where I met such interesting people.

Since I have no manager experience I do not think I could post a lot in the forums (unless you guys want to talk about the stock market!), but I would definitively be a regular visitor

Kind regards


stephenhay's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

The conference was brilliant. I also found myself reading the forums but never contributing; the conference proved we can all learn from each other, so I will definitely post more in the future.

Cheers, everyone!

dotcom's picture


I thought I'd tell you that I had my first ever progress review today (we're a bit slow in academia - it is generally accepted that an "annual review" is to be conducted about every three years - or never. Depends on your boss...) and it went really well!

I am convinced that I would never have been able to perform as well (nor be so well prepared) without M&M's input, the Q&As and the interesting chats I had with other attendees. I feel so much more focussed now and have that new sense of purpose because of Amsterdam. I think that really came across in my review and it felt GREAT!

Thanks everyone for being such a resource!
Onwards and upwards!


P.S.: Am I the only one who hasn't received the e-mail list, yet, or hasn't it gone out?

rachaelip's picture
Training Badge


I thought I'd tell you that I had my first ever progress review today (we're a bit slow in academia - it is generally accepted that an "annual review" is to be conducted about every three years - or never. Depends on your boss...) and it went really well!

I am convinced that I would never have been able to perform as well (nor be so well prepared) without M&M's input, the Q&As and the interesting chats I had with other attendees. I feel so much more focussed now and have that new sense of purpose because of Amsterdam. I think that really came across in my review and it felt GREAT!

Thanks everyone for being such a resource!
Onwards and upwards!


P.S.: Am I the only one who hasn't received the e-mail list, yet, or hasn't it gone out?[/quote]

It was great to meet you! I have yet to receive the email list so I am thinking you are not the only one.

stehow's picture

The community spirit is certainly still going strong. Whilst I know that we were quite spread out across Europe I would guess that a reunion in a few months in London would be well attended? We could discuss how well our implementations of the 'trinity' were going over a meal and a few beers. Any takers?



dotcom's picture


Wendii is organising a get-together for April (thanks, Wendii! We wouldn't know what to do without you!).

You should pm her so she can keep you posted on plans. I will be there if I can make the date. Would be good to see as many conference folk as possible for a good catch-up!
