
Is there any point in having O3's with this guy?

I have a direct report that wanted the job I got. He has told HR there is no need for me here and we are wasting our money. I was hired to turn the department around. HR told him to get over it and give me a chance.

The guy is almost untouchable because he vacations with the CEO (I know I'm in a tough spot). This relationship is rendering me ineffective.

Should I save us both a lot of trouble and just not have the meetings? Short of a miracle I will not be to turn this guy around and I know my limitations. Luckily the rest of the organization is on my side.

mikehansen's picture

You may be right that the relationship will never transpire, but I believe you should still do the O3.

There are several reasons:

-You still need the communication time with a direct, and this is an efficient way to do it.

-You give him too much power if you let him derail your management style by his being difficult.

-Even though it may not be fun, it is your duty.

-Your other directs will notice and it will undermine your team.

-There is a chance you can build a relationship over time.

I have done O3s with an individual whom I know spoke ill of me to my boss. I still felt that it was worthwhile to spend the time and improve the relationship. In the end I was let go and this may or may not have been a factor. I have no regrets about how I worked with this individual. I still feel that it was my responsibility to improve my relationship with them and ultimately their behavior.

Don’t turn your back on what you believe is right because you think the individual is a bad egg. It is a slippery slope that I believe you may regret over time.

My .02

mauzenne's picture
Admin Role Badge

Mike is right ... do the one on ones.

When he's done with his 10 minutes (and it sounds like he won't use much of the time), use the remaining time to follow-up on commitments and delegations, review deliverables, and coach. Every time he starts to open up, provide encouragement and shift immediately into relationship building.

Worst case, you get the opportunity to drive results. If he's smart, he'll figure it out and start being more cooperative about building a relationship.
