
I recently accepted a new position within my company that will involve managing an existing team of chemists. In more than one conversation I've heard the team is anxious for a leader and looking for change. The team has been in survival mode and seem willing to fresh ideas. My concern involves a potential gap between their eagerness to change and the reality of what change looks like and feels like. This is my first opportunity to directly manage a team. I have been listening to every MT podcast my day allows, and most recently listened to Change Leadership, What's my visual Parts I and II. I really like the idea of creating a compelling story using visuals, only challenge is how? I don't want to make the assumption the team is ready for a change when in reality they aren't. Currently each person on the team has their specific roles and responsibilities with little cross training. There is little opportunity to flex resources across the team because of this very siloed approach. Any recommendations how to assess whether the team is truly ready for change? Or suggestions how to separate eagerness from reality?

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Sounds like you are just in the job and MT does not recommend any changes in the first 90 days.  Have you started O3s?  Do you have weekly staff meetings?  First you need to build your relationship with the team and also spending time in the job to have some understanding of what's best.  Don't rush it.  I've had the unforunate opportunity to push through change too quickly and I didn't really understand all the issues.  It seemed so obvious at first.  Live and learn but now I'm a firm believer it's best to wait. 

There's lots of time to make value added change but in the meantime, learn your job and your people.


MRDDBATZ's picture

I appreciate your input, Dawne.  I do need to be patient and allow the process to work.  The team's desire to change has fueled my passion to drive toward operational efficiency, but I need to pull back and take use the management trinity as it is intended. 


