
Hi Everyone,

This post is going to be rather long so I apologize in advance.  My last day of work just happens to be the day of my company Christmas party.  I had given my boss two weeks notice, and presented my transition file, as recommended in the podcasts by Mark and Mike.  I followed the Resignation script pretty much to the letter and also included how thankful and grateful I was for my long career.  My boss' reaction was sullen and grumpy (as to be expected), but to his credit, he said: "You'd always have a job here."  I then asked if I could inform my other two bosses to thank them as well, but he said that he would do it.  I heard from one of the partners from our main HQ and I got a chance to go over the same script with him, but in a more conversational manner, which felt more comfortable and real, as opposed to the almost one-sided dialogue I had with my own boss.  The HQ partner's reaction was at least: I'm sorry to see you go, but I understand why you're leaving."  I guess it wasn't so much of a break-up as it was a divorce; but I did remain positive throughout the process.  In a subsequent conversation with my boss, I asked if he would notify the HR office manager about my departure; and he just shook it off with an irritating look (my bosses and HR have a history of mutual dislike).  So HR doesn't know I'm leaving, and the only other one in the company who knows I'm leaving is my assistant.  This is because my bosses (who misinterpreted my Interim Successor document) thought she should be my successor going forward, rather than just an interim one, while my department closes down completely.  I had to make this clear in a recent meeting with them, in which one of my bosses "jokingly" said "you can't come to the party., you can come, it's ok..."  Anyway (sorry this took so long to get around to) given the reactions of my bosses (which I expected, thanks to Mark and Mike's podcast on Resigning), should I even bother to go to this party?  The company hasn't even sent out a notification that I'm leaving, they don't want me to tell the HR manager and the party's in 5 days.

P.S.  It's on a boat, so I'd really be captive.

Many thanks.

DSCATCEsq's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge


Go to the party! Don't get put off by your boss's joke or scared off by the fact that no one told HR you were leaving.

There is a tremendous long term value to leaving with strong, positive relationships with your coworkers. Use the party as an opportunity to say goodbye and connect with colleagues one last time. Have fun, but be smart and professional at the party (a great rule for anyone).

If word travels about your departure, people may ask for your new contact information. They want it so they can keep in touch. If not, they will be left with a great final impression of you formed at a happy event. In either event, you are using the party to leave on a good note and with great relationships with others in your soon to be former company. Those connections and relationships are very important!

Have fun!



Marcello's picture

Dear DC,

Thanks so much for your comments.  At first I was a bit reluctant, but now I see your point.  I will go and have a great time.



A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it. - Albert Einstein

KS180's picture

I agree - go.  It's not like they fired you.  Always, always, always network.  You never know when you have to walk back across that bridge.  Maybe not for the same boss but the company.

Good luck and have fun.  Not too much though because people will be watching.


Marcello's picture

Dear DC,


Thank you for your sage advice.  The party was yesterday, and it turned out to be a great time!


I was a bit dubious at first; but before heading out to the party, I sent an office-wide email announcing my departure.  A lot of people were shocked and saddened by the news.  Once we headed for the party, I was overwhelmed by all my colleagues' praise and compliments.  We were all saying how much we were going to miss each other, yet that they were glad for me and my new opportunity (in some cases downright envious).  In fact, a few colleagues told me on the QT (or DL?) to keep them in mind in case something opens up at my new place.  It was fun to be planning when we could all get together in the near future for lunch (and in some cases, dinner).


And talk about a networking feast!..I passed out custom-made cards with my contact information and a heartfelt quote from my favorite French poet which all my colleagues admired and appreciated. I made up custom cards about the size of a stick of gum on a site called Zazzle.  Not really plugging them, but it’s a great tool to create custom stuff.  The cards just had my name, email address, cell phone number, and an emoticon with a quip that said “keep in touch ;-D”


You know, in looking back on this, after being at my former company for over two decades, I think I actually made some friends yesterday...thanks again for your encouragement.



Marcello's picture

Thanks Kevin.  You were right.  Check out my response to DC.

Best, Marcello


DSCATCEsq's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge


Sorry to be slow on a reply, but better late than never!

Glad you went and happy to hear it went well. Sounds like it could not have gone better.

All the best with the new job!