
Hello - I've been doing 1 on 1's for 8-9 years now and in my current role I have 14 directs which is a lot to keep track of. I'm looking for a tool to help me prepare for my one on ones, collect the notes from them and engage my people better. Ideally this would help for HR reviews when those come up bi-annually. I explored Roadmap and it didn't seem like the right tool. I've found these two:

Does anyone have experience with either of these or know of another one that may be better?



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I recently listened to this Podcast that had some helpful things to say about giving feedback.


How to Give and Receive Useful Feedback Every Month: Insider Tips on Making Performance Reviews Not Suck with Dr. Craig Dowden


It is funny how he recommends monthly DIY Appraisal feedback and he keeps saying that performance feedback needs to end up being part of the every day experience at work.


Not quite MT style -  but he's getting there.

