
I have an employee in my group that talks over every one, in every conversation.   At first I just thought he was rude and trying to prove a point, but on deeper introspection I believe he may just be a person who processes thoughts verbally.

Does anyoe have suggestions on how best to deal with someone like this?   I don't want it to transition to somethig negative, but he is alienating himself from the rest of the team because of the behaviors.    I have tried on occasions in meetings to stop him and say "I want to hear what you have to say, but please let xyz finish their thougt first".   To no avail.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


US41's picture

Listen to the basics podcasts. Start one on ones, feedback, and coaching.

During their one on one, you give the negative feedback on interrupting others. "When you interrupt people, or start talking louder to retain control of a conversation, it's rude and increases the tension rather than building a collaborative atmosphere. What can you do differently?"

Get commitment from them to work on this. Discuss it weekly. 

Caveat: There are some people who will not allow you to speak if you don't interrupt them, and also take into account virtual employees on cell phones frequently talk over each other accidentally because of the slight latency in those networks. 

I have had an employee like this in the past, and I used the above methods. It is far more effective than interrupting them back and saying, "Don't talk over me." It hits home when you spend meeting time discussing it as a major issue. 

Kevin1's picture

There is also a very good chance that they are unaware of just how much they do it and what affect they have on others.

My suggestion would be to have them take a DISC assessment.  They will learn a lot about being a High-D from their results.

Then, your feedback (as discussed above) will have something to resonate with.

If they persist, you have have them listen to the downfall of the High-D podcast.

Hope that helps
