
I am responsible for facilitating the agenda for my boss's staff meeting. Our staff meeting is composed of 6-8 team leaders. The technical experience of our team leads is pretty deep, but most of us have a relatively little management experience. As part of our staff meeting, we instituted a continuing education series that focuses on management topics. This requires one of us to take a topic such as one-on-ones learn what we can and share it with the group. Recently, we been thinking about bringing in someone from the outside to help with this process.

Given, the value I found in your podcasts, especially the Trinity, I would like to suggest to my boss that we we bring in Manager-Tools on-site for a one-day session but I will need some cost, content, and information to share with him before I make the suggestion (because he will ask as soon I suggest it, so I might as well get the info beforehand).

Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

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