Admin Role Badge
Submitted by wendii on


Ok, I used my 3 words of dutch to talk to the lady in the Voyager restaurant in the Sheraton. I asked if we could book a table for the early evening so people could come and go and eat as they arrived. However, she needed me to be a little more specific than that.

Roll call for who is arriving Monday night, wants dinner, and what time?


Bamsematt's picture

Great initiative!

ETA 7:25 pm. Food? Yes, please!

Really looking forward to seeing you all!

DCochrane's picture
Training Badge

Dear Wendii

I’ll join you. My flight should arrive at 18.20hrs, so dinner around 19.30-20.00hrs would be good.

London, UK


Don’t know whether this is up to date, but the Voyager Restaurant menu is International a la carte: “Rates: 4 course buffet 39,50 EUR, salad and soup buffet 15,00 EUR, Main course of your choice 27,50 EUR, dessert buffet 15,00 EUR”
Source -

celing's picture


I would like to join you, too. Dinner at 7:30 pm is great. Thanks for setting this up.


rwwh's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

I'll join!

jheywood's picture

Count me in for dinner also.

Jonathan Heywood

fjf's picture
Training Badge


Thank you for this initiative; I'll be delighted to take part in the dinner. I'll be able to join you from 7:30.


cwatine's picture
Training Badge

Great idea Wendii !

I think I will be there at 20.30 at the best ... With Meringues if I can :wink:

See you all!


rachaelip's picture
Training Badge

Hi, thanks for setting this up. Please count me in for dinner too. I live in Rotterdam, but will be staying at the hotel for the conference. Looking forward to meeting everyone!


thodor's picture

Hi All,

Count me in. 19:30 sounds fine to me.

Looking forward to meeting you all,


dotcom's picture

Hi all,

I would love to be there, but my flight doesn't get into Schiphol until 21.25 by which time I would expect you all to be finished with dinner. Though if anyone's planning to go for a nightcap after dinner - let me know!


oskar's picture

Hello everyone!

ETA 19:55.
Hope to join the table by 9.


wendii's picture
Admin Role Badge

Ok, I think we're booked. 7.30 Monday night under manager tools and wendii. We seem to have to have the buffet, but that might be a good thing as we're not all arriving together.

I'll join you sometime after 8...


PS Rob - I pm'd you.

rwwh's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

pm'ed back. I can confirm your booking!

stephenhay's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

I won't be in until 9pm or so, so unless anyone decides to hang around the lobby, I'll see you all on Tuesday morning, bright and early.

rachaelip's picture
Training Badge

I should be there tonight. Look for an American with spiky brown hair and a Michigan sweatshirt.