
 I have recently completed a graduate programme, and now that I have been released from the confines of campus recruiting I have redone my resume religiously adhering to the MT Resume Workbook as well as notes from the podcast 'Graduate Resumes'. Much as I anticipated I have received a lot of feedback/pushback from VPs of HR right down to recruiters who have looked at my resume, so I wanted to get the community's advice.

As suggested in the podcast I have listed my graduate education at the top of the resume treating it as a job, followed by my work experience in reverse chronological order with my undergrad degree pulling up the rear. However, beyond the comments that I can use a two-page resume [I don't live in Australia], should have section devoted to skills, and there is far too much text on the page, the one comment that stood out is that about grouping my education together. With that in mind what would you advise, leaving as is or moving the undergrad education up the line?

All thoughts are welcome.

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Keep in mind you're always interviewing.  If the hiring manager, or recruiter is asking you to modify the format of your resume, your MT resume has just completed its first task (get the reader to respond to you).  If your resume was bad they wouldn't waste time asking you to rearrange it! 

Most people think flexibility is a strength, so demonstrate your nimble flexibility by producing the resume the way they want to see it.

  Good luck!