
We conduct frequent reviews (both managerial and peer) based on written documents that contain detailed lists of discussion points. Is it helpful to provide a copy of the document to the person being reviewed to help them track the information?

I've found that no, it's not useful to provide the document to the person being reviewed. I'm interested in others experience with this.

I make my written comments, item by item. I print out two copies. In the past, when I'd sit down to discuss the points with the subject, I'd hand them a copy of the items. Their eye contact with me would immediately cease, they'd look down, and they'd follow the items on the written list and most of the folks would end up either ahead of me or behind in terms of what I was discussing.

I stopped turning over the written document until after the conversation. This seems to have helped make the discussions more productive and more interactive.

I will give an outline of the agenda for group meetings, but there's not much in the way of detail.

Any thoughts?

SuzanneB's picture

Have you considered providing the comments a day in advance of the meeting? Then the person will have already read them and be ready to listen to your elaboration on the comments.

mrreliable's picture

That's in interesting idea. I'm going to consider that. Thanks for the response!