
Are there any plans for a podcast on effective scheduling?

There is an important focus at on effectiveness, and especially on usage of time. The reason is that time is the most valuable resource managers has. Essential in managing time is scheduling. Therefor a podcast with this content might be in place.
Possible content;
- How to scheduling different items (deadlines and philosophy)
- Do’s and dont’s about scheduling
- The weekly, monthly and yearly schedule of a m-t manager.

On the other hand, much of what should be scheduled has been captured in other casts.

PS! Thank you for a great podcast! I love the step-by-step structure and the hands-on philosophy. It is what’s missing in my Business School, and it has made me a better employee.

Magnus Nesheim

Mark's picture
Admin Role Badge


Yes, that's on the list. We also cover scheduling and "A Week In The Life" at our conferences.

Thanks for the suggestion, and glad you're with us.


magnus's picture

Mark -

I can't wait! Thanks for quick respons! Impressive!


svensson's picture
Licensee Badge

Yeah, this would be great. I'm new as a manager (well, from my organisation's point of view I'm not even one), and I find it tricky to know, what to schedule and what not. In the June 2007 cast on interviewing, you made it sound as if I should schedule just about anything. If I unterstood GTD correctly, however, there are things that should be done immediately (< 2 minutes) and longer things that should be scheduled (> 30 minutes?). But if I keep my schedule full -- which you seem to imply -- where do I find time for all the other run-of-the-mill tasks?

Thanks for any advice
