
I have been doing O3's for three months now and five out my six directs use them to provide project updates.  That's fine w/ me, but there doesn't seem to be much relationship building.  I start every meeting with, "So what would you like to talk about this week." I also have explicitly reminded everyone that this is their opportunity to discuss whatever they want. Am I missing something?

Smacquarrie's picture

Have you figured out their DISC profile yet?

Are you engaging them in the way that is most beneficial for them?

Do they have the personality where they are comfortable sharing "private" things with you?

Here is why I ask:

I have team leads that span the spectrum. One is a high D like myself and does not share or discuss any non-work related items with her manager (me), the other two are more engaging an willing to share. I have one who when I started had the victim mentality going on who would push off everything and explain why others prevented success. My third is outgoing and involved to the point where personal and work are almost synonomous with each other in that the teams spends time in and out of work with each other. My high D runs a very tight ship and controls things very closely where as the other two schedule and help to direct but allow others to sink or swim as they decide.

If you havent subscribed to the O3 rollout emails, i recomend that you do.

Here is a little snipet for you:

"So, after asking twice, they have ceded their portion of the agenda back to you.  What you do is say, okay, great.  I’ve got some questions and comments for you.  At this point, the remainder of the meeting is yours to cover what you need to cover.   (Yes, periodically, you’ll want to save 5 minutes at the end to ask about the future.  It may seem weird, but you do need to ask, just to reach out appropriately regarding succession planning and talent management)."



katehorstman's picture
Admin Role Badge

I would provide a few bits to consider. Frist- what you are experiencing is totally normal. It might be that you have a lot of high D or C employees and those profiles often prefer to talk about work. I have been having my 03 with Dani (my boss) for six months and I still mostly discuss work. Some directs prefer to focus on tasks and their contribution. 

It might be timing as well. Usually three months is about the length of time we see things turns around. If you had been doing 03s for 6 months and this was still occurring, it might still be ok. I would suggest that any of your directs who are going to change their topics might do so very soon. You might wait it out a bit. 

As a last note: sometimes after my portion Dani asks me about other things. She often asks about our household or family. Since I have given my update, I feel comfortable sharing and often do have more to say. It's simply not my first inclination to share home things at work. 

I’d give it some more time and a little faith. Your directs might simply want to discuss their efforts and tasks. You might also try questions about their children or lives outside work sometimes to see if they share. It might simply be that they have a lot of things to discuss work wise. Don’t worry- you’re perfectly in the norm.

I hope this helps,
