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Submitted by timbarcz on


I've started O3's at a new company and am diligently trying to build the relationship with team members, however I have one team member who will say he'll deliver something and it hasn't come.  Little things like forwarding an email or giving me a document that already exists.

I'm working to build the relationship, however this behavior is ultimately unacceptable - if you commit to do something, do it.

I worry that by not saying something I'm setting a precedent that this is allowable and in the future the basis on which this relationship was built is faulty because I'm setting a precedent now in delivery that will not be allowable in the future.


tlhausmann's picture
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Hmmm. Is your direct taking notes during the O3 meeting?

Your post does not explicitly state how long you have been doing O3 meetings.  Also, you may consider accelerating your requests by building a sense of urgency with this direct (and others on your team.)  There is a cast for that....

The key idea is that after your direct accepts a task then you state, "Great, when will you get that (done/finished/accomplished/emailed)" ...and be specific. For example, "By noon Thursday" is acceptable; not "sometime next week".

GlennR's picture

I agree with TL above. Let me see if I can add some value here.

Just as there are micro-environments in climates ( a valley having a lower temperature than the plain) I believe there are also micro-cultures that can be created by managers in departments or territories. One part of this is to create a culture, or expectation, that requests will be handled in a timely fashion, especially by those who tend to be task focused on their own projects and let requests like yours fall to the bottom  (or completely off) of their next action lists.

As that immortal philosopher Barney Fife said, "You've got to nip it, nip it in the bud!" So yes, don't let this get out of control. This could actually be a part of a larger component of internal customer service depending upon your circumstances.

On a related note there are those people (and cultures) who, when sent a request, will not reply until they have an answer for that request. When that answer takes days or weeks, the person originating that request may conclude that the recipient is ignoring them, when in fact, their communication process is different. This needs to be addressed, for example. create a norm that says all request will be responded to in 48 business hours. If you cannot answer the request, you will provide an ETA for your response.

When some directs or team members do this and others don't, it can create problems. It's best to establish a norm about communications preferences and follow it.




timbarcz's picture
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 Currently he is not taking notes consistently - there was one on ones taking place before I here but I don't know the format/structure/expectations of those meetings (nor has my boss started with me to learn for myself)


I've been doing O3's for about 6 weeks - starting nearly immediately.


i will definitely listen to your recommended cast - I have a natural sense of urgency (high D) and often have to slow myself down to care for the people around - so this cast may be good to review.



cruss's picture
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