
 Enjoyed the Manager Tools podcast on Multiple Jobs in One Company and Consulting Jobs resume. But, had some critical follow-up questions:

I work for a multinational public-traded holding company, which has hundreds of operating companies (subsidiaries) across the globe.

Each operating company runs itself, with its own management and employees. Some operating companies have similar businesses markets, while others are vastly different. 

Within several of these operating companies, I serve as board member, empowered official or hold an executive-level position. For some, my job title is the same but my accomplishments and responsibilities are different as each operating company has its own assortment of issues, challenges and goals. For some, my job title is specific to that company or it has changed several times through my employment.

For a few operating companies, I have a team of employees, who directly work for that operating company, that report to me and i control that departments budget. But, these employees only perform work within that operating entity. In one circumstance, I manage a group of employees that work for one operating entity, but provides enterprise-wide services.

To make matters more complicated, my job title or roles within these different operating companies has evolved and has changed over the years, based on the needs of the business. For example, I might have a role like Board Member and Tax Director from 2003-2005, then in 2006 I was only Tax Director, then 2007-2009 I was Board Member and Treasurer.

How does one fit all this on 1-page? Multiple companies, similar job titles, within different industries, different challenges and accomplishments, sometimes Industry-specific professional certifications or licensing (financial advisor, gaming license, tax advisor, auditor, controller, CPA, FINRA).