
Is the knowledge one has or has access to what makes him/her valuable to the organization? Or is it purely situational, meaning, though one may be a conduit for information, sources of information should remain confidential?

juliahhavener's picture
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The more effective your boss, peers, and employees are, the more successful you are. Spread the word. MT is one of the things I offer freely and frequently to anyone I think might find some benefit from it (now what they do with that is up to them).

I've seen more damage done to organizations by people hoarding information/resources than I've seen benefit to the individuals doing the hoarding. One specific example comes to mind of a coworker in a previous job who had been with the company 12 years, was an absolute fount of information -- if only you asked the right questions on the right day and in the right way. That person is still in essentially the same job position now as he was seven years ago.

Mark's picture
Admin Role Badge


This isn't really a management question, but a personal belief. We believe in the Law of Abundance, which is to say that when you share, the world has so much to give you that you will get something else back, and likely more.

You seem to believe in the Law of Scarcity, which means that whatever you give away you lose. This is sometimes referred to as "zero-sum game".

These choices are also referred to as The Law of Economic Exchange (scarcity) as opposed to the Law of Information Exchange (abundance).

Neither is inherently right or wrong.

We believe in abundance. If you work with me and I find out you choose the other, I will trust you less.

There is a risk (and of course you know this) that if you share, you may not get credit, and WORSE, someone ELSE might get credit.

Of course, there's also the danger that with the knowledge you have but hoard, the company might do better.

The executives you hate see things as scarce, and they hoard.

Your call.
