
BLUF: I want to take a moment to thank not only MT/CT but also everyone who participates in the forums here. I found MT a few years ago and have listened ever since. It was about five years ago that I realized what I was doing at work was not going to get me where I wanted to be. To overcome this I did two things. First I went back to school to get my degree. The second thing I did was a search in iTunes for management podcasts. I listened to several but fell in love with the tone and tenor of MT immediately. Over the past five years I have completely remodeled myself and how I interact with others. My performance has improved incrementally at work and in school while I was there. I find several of the concept difficult for me but try to adjust them to help in the role(s) I have at work. I work as an IC but am able to influence and motivate using ideas and information I have garnered through the casts. As I look forward to elevating my role to the next level, I co timid to listen and deployed different ideas to show that I am ready for more responsibilities and am able to perform to higher expectations. I can only hope the new year will begin to show more of the fruits of my labors. Merry Christmas to all and happy holidays to everyone. Mac

AnayaAdams's picture

Seems to be like a nice story, you are welcome....

Resort Management