
Hi everyone,

I am a listener for nearly a year and work for a fortune 500 consumer products company in the midwest.

I have been applying what I have learned here as a non-manager and have seen improvements come about in my work environment as well as my own responsabilities dramatically increase.

I am now on the management path due in no small part to the lessons I have learned here and am excited to continue sharing Manager Tools' ideas with my co-workers and managers.

Thanks to Mark and Mike and to everyone here!


Mark's picture
Admin Role Badge


Welcome aboard. We're glad you're here, and thrilled that you're getting value from our work.

It's our privilege to serve you... let us know whenever we can do it better.


karaikudy's picture
Training Badge

Yes, a great Show, I bumped in to Manager tools in April 07 and managed to download all podcasts. Listen to them during my morning walk. I am already seeing some good use of it.

I recommend the Show to all my friends here in India.


pmoriarty's picture
Training Badge

Welcome to MT Mike! Please do participate in the forums. I think you'll find us to be a friendly bunch!