
Hi there!

My title is Manager, Clinical Pharmacy Services; essentially I am a pharmacist in a health plan (HMO, PPO, Medicaid, Medicare). Looking at many of the other bios there are a lot of IT people on this board.

My position is a little different, I have no direct reports, but I have about 50 “indirect” reports. I am responsible for the development and implementation clinical projects and getting drug monographs written (by other pharmacists) and edited in preparation for our quarterly national meeting. About 75% of them act like they are my direct report, the other 25% are high unmotivated. I figure I am somewhere in between a project manager and a manager with direct reports. I need to learn how to motivate the other 25%, but I am sure there is a podcast that would help!

I have only been on this position since the end of July and the Manager Tools Podcasts have helped immensely get off to a good start. I used the brainstorming session during my first meeting and it was well received! I look forward to hearing more podcasts about running large meetings.

Rodney :D

So what am I a high "I"? :wink:

Mark's picture
Admin Role Badge


Too soon to tell, but let's just say it's unlikely you're a High C for now.

Welcome aboard!
