Training Badge
Submitted by ShipShape on


I have a fabulous direct and today one of his peers sent me a 1:1 email praising his work.  She mentioned she's already given this feedback to him directly. Everyone is following the model!

This is how I'd typically handle the response: I reply to her with both my direct and my manager on CC...providing her with positive feedback regarding her acknowledgment, and echoing her praise to my direct.

Then I'll bring it up again to my direct during our 1:1 tomorrow.

Would you all handle it differently?

G3's picture

You might want to consider the direct's DISC profile. There is MT/CT guidance on how different folks prefer to receive praise in different ways. Ex. some people would like to be recognized in a meeting in front of their peers, others don't want that kind of attention. Consider the specific direct and their potential preference.

I don't know that there's a "wrong" way to approach your subject line says it's a "good problem."