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Submitted by jrb3 on


HOW-TO (as of 2021-06-13) gift Manager Tools products to others not yet in the Manager Tools community

  1. Go to the product page for the product you wish to gift.
  2. Add the product to your cart, by clicking the orange "Add to cart" button.
  3. Click "Continue shopping" and repeat the previous steps to add more products, as desired.
  4. In your shopping cart, tick the "for someone else" box on the line-items you wish to gift.
  5. Click "Checkout" and proceed through checkout as normal.  You can verify "for someone else" in the summaries along the way.  You'll get an order number on the page which completes the checkout, as you would when ordering something for yourself.
  6. In your account's user page, click the "Products For Others" link on the left-hand side.  You'll see the products listed there.
  7. Click the "Share" link, enter your recipient's email address and a message, and click "Share now" to invite them to redeem the gift.

[thanks, Wendii, for this when I asked -- cross-reference (Case 124709) in case replies here turn out relevant]