
im seeking advice on how to demonstrate a positive outlook when my boss seems to ignore my requests for support & she pours out support to my direct and even my secretary!
She does not do one on ones & does not want a status report. She prefers that you call her on her cell if you need anything. I recently noticed that my boss and my manager are using the same verbiage about the same topics. I'm rarely able to get a response to my questions, but have noticed that she quickly offers solutions to my manager's questions if we are in the same meeting. My manager has started to take one of her directs to breakfast once a week and upon hearing this, my boss squealed with glee that she'd like to join them as well. I "spoke" with her via email about an operational need to purchase equipment & I have not gotten a response. My boss stopped my secretary on her way to pick up mail and asked her if she was aware of a need for specific equipment; when she replied that she was not, my boss told her that my budget was trending negative & she didn't know why I couldn't wait until end of fiscal to address. I was headed to a meeting on Friday & stopped by the cafeteria to grab a bottled water. I was shocked that my boss was moving a chair from another table and said to the group she was with, that everyone needed to make room for my direct to join the table. I have never had a boss to carry herself this way, what gives?
Thanks for your advice in advance.

Doris_O's picture

I suggest checking out the DISC podcasts. You and your boss most likely have different communication styles. My guess is that your directs communicate in ways that work better for your boss. 

For example: If she prefers you call her cell if you need something, then sending her an email probably is not the most effective way to get an answer.  

Good luck!