

how do you know if you have a good manager or not?  My boss does not do one-on-ones. I honestly don't believe he's a huge fan.  Sure, he doesn't mind if I occassionally stop by to catch-up on things, but he's never once I asked to have a regularly scheduled meeting or anything. Is this the sign of a bad manager or should I ask for a standing one-on-one?  I'm not needy just.. a new manager struggling trying to figure out in an organization what can I do without causing huge disruptions.. Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Thanks.

jhack's picture

Yep, there is a podcast on just this issue:  

and there is also the two part series on "managing your boss" [sic]

As to whether you have good manager or's not simply whether they do one on ones.  

John Hack

tlhausmann's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

The recommendations you will get from the forums include:

1. You cannot manage your boss, and

2. Offer to do weekly not call them one on ones.

I urge you to review the first cast in the following list. The reference podcasts addressing your concerns:


Anandha's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge


My boss of 4.5 years has never done a one on one with any of his directs. Only time you get 30 min with him is if he wants to give you negative feedback wrapped around some good news. But none of this makes him a good or bad manager.

Does he set good agressive deadlines? Does he make effective decisions? Does his team produce results? Does he deal with issues in a timely manner? Does he delegate? Does he hire people smarter than him? Do they stick around? etc.

O3s make our lives easier & work more effective - if you manager doesn't like them, don't ask. I did (before I ran into MT), and my manager just become defensive. i.e. "What's wrong with my management style?" I now send him weekly updates on  Friday with what i've done that week.

You can still contribute to the team and organisation. You can still do o3s with your directs.

Life goes on - do your best.

Thanks, Anandha

Mark's picture
Admin Role Badge

Thanks for sharing a great perspective.