
Just sharing a potential resource for taking notes in real or virtual meetings.



adolgushin's picture

Sean, thanks for sharing. I have been using for a while and absolutely love this Ketchup tool -- very easy and lightweight. Pretty much everything you need to track your meetings agendas.

However Mark recommends using nothing fancier than plain paper for taking notes (just listened the O3 podcast from Basics). So I think I stick with a paper notebook for a while :)

mauzenne's picture
Admin Role Badge


I'm with you around the benefits of using a laptop for taking notes ...  and you may be missing a key point. The argument isn't solely about whether YOU are being effective in note-taking, but also about other's perception of your participation.  If you use a laptop, others perceive you aren't as engaged.  

And, the fact that others perceive me as less engaged and hurts the relationship/message is enough to put aside my preference to use a laptop for taking notes.
