

I was recently promoted to Manager in my department.  As my supervisor and I work out the transition plan for who is reporting to me, his expectations and so on, I am wondering what advice long time managers and fans of Manager Tools would recommend.

My reports haven't been told yet - the whole department is re-organizing as my supervisor is also the new department head.  Previously three different departments were reporting to a single VP, now they each report to their own VP.

Once the announcement is made, I plan to schedule O3s and start using the feedback model, specifically with the positive feedback for the first several months.

What else should I have on my radar screen?

Thanks for the advice.


RickMeasham's picture

G'day Stacie,

See the cast on rolling out the MT Trinity, though I'm guessing you've already heard it. However, f you've been promoted above your former peers, then you need to take it even slower. They see you as their peer so if you start anything at all on day one, you'll be seen as throwing your weight around in your new position and anything, no matter how good it is, will be cast in that light.

I'd recommend starting by doing the 'manager stuff' that doesn't change anything about the way they work. You have the support of your boss and boss' bosses, so do the things that they see. Collate the reports that are required of your new position. Go to more meetings with the higher-ups. (I'd even have a catch-up meeting with each of your new peer group to talk about how your team interacts with theirs).

As your former peers see you doing thing they're not doing, they'll come to see you in the new role and then will accept when you start the O3s a lot more. I think in a promoted-above-my-peers situation, I would start with positive feedback before starting O3s.

Anyway, congratulations on the new role! Sounds really exciting. Come back and update the post with what you did and how it went!

Rick Measham

Geek Herding

cruss's picture
Licensee Badge

There is a great cast for new managers about the first rule to follow.

Also you are going to be communicating differently with your team now that you in charge.

And it sounds like you have a big shakeup going on and may want to have a good visual explanation.

Congratulation on your promotion. Your team is lucky to have a manager who cares enough to want to "get management right".

Canyon R

slpenney's picture

Thanks for the extra pointers.

The previous manager did O3s too, so that will hopefully be seen as a continuation, and not something new.

I like the idea of a visual for the change.  I'll have to think on what will be helpful for that too.

Our HR department had been helpful lately too with training sessions on group formation - form/storm/norm/perform.  They are also willing to have everyone take the Meyers-Briggs test.

There is a lot of change going on.  Thanks for the reminder to go slow.