Mark Smith's group was in the bottom 10% of his company's engagement scores when he started One On Ones. He spent just 30 minutes a week with each of his directs - that's just 24 hours in total in one year following the Manager Tools model. By the end of the year, his group was in the top 10% of the company. Here's his words - and the congratulatory letter he got from his CEO

The attached letter from Rick was to me from the president of We Energies (Wisconsin Energy Corporation) and was in reference to my group's Employee Engagement (Gallup Q-12) scores increasing from the bottom-10% of the work force to the top-10% of the workforce over a period of 18 months. This was the only group of union-represented people in the company that attained top-10% Employee Engagement scores.

The only thing I did to accomplish this was to perform Manager Tools one-on-ones with my direct reports.