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Your Resume Workbook - Congratulations!

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You've created your Career Management Document!

Once a quarter work to keep this document up to date. It's much easier than having to keep starting over. Now what? We need to turn that Career Management document into a resume. That's what the Resume Workbook is for. Hopefully, you've found out that it contains lots of specifics about how to deal with the different elements of your resume.

If your document is still very long or overwhelming, either go job by job and have a break in between, or go section by section (admin data, responsibilities, accomplishments).

We won't tell you that creating a great resume is easy. It's hard and quite boring. But the rewards are worth it!

If you're having trouble fitting your resume onto one page, there's some hints at the end of the Workbook to help you do that, and also a video on your product page:

We'll be back next week with more practical guidance. If you want to move more quickly, you can find all the follow-up emails here.

The Career Tools Team