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Your Resume Workbook - Accomplishments

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Now we're going to add your accomplishments to your resume. For every job you've had, what did you achieve? What things did you do which you were proud of? Did you complete any projects? Did you save any money? Did you save any time? Did you increase revenue? Did you meet targets your employer set?

If you're still stuck, here's another way to think of accomplishments: what was the minimum standard that if you didn't do it, you'd have got fired.

For example, if you're a call center representative, you have to take a certain number of calls per hour. Let's say 15. If you don't get that number, you could get fired. When you start to write your accomplishment (assuming you didn't get fired for not reaching the target) you'd say:

Achieved 100% of calls/hour target by monitoring call length.

Easy. We have more accomplishment examples here. Another important topic - how to link your accomplishments and your interview answers - is here.

We'll be back next week with more practical guidance. If you want to move more quickly, you can find all the follow-up emails here.

The Career Tools Team