Email Subject

First Job Fundamentals - Work Hard

Day to Send


Email Body

Half of the people that read the subject line of this email said duh'. The other half said, 'hey, as long as they're still paying me, I'm going to do the minimum'. Those of you who said 'duh' need read no further.

There's three good reasons for doing more than the minimum.

First: You'll be happier. Productive people are happier, and by doing more than the minimum you'll enjoy your job more. (Try it, and let us know how it goes).

Second: The least productive employees get the worst jobs and if there are layoffs they're the ones who have to leave. Or, there are no layoffs but they get fired. Keeping your job entails delivering value and that means working hard.

Third: The most productive employees get the best opportunities and get promoted. 'Nuff said.

We'll be back next week with more practical guidance. If you can't wait, you can find all the follow-up emails here.

The Career Tools Team