Email Subject

First Job Fundamentals - Feedback

Day to Send


Email Body

Would you help us? We'd love to know what you thought of the First Job Fundamentals product so that we can make it better in the future. (And, don't worry, because you have a lifetime license for it, you'll benefit from any changes we make too.)

  • Did you have any technical difficulties with the product?
  • Was there too little, too much or just enough information in the product?
  • Did you like the follow up emails?
  • Did the emails go too fast or too slow?
  • Is there anything you wish we'd included?

We'd appreciate answers to any of these questions or anything else you'd like to tell us. You can email us right now.

We wish you the best of luck in your career, and we look forward to serving you in the years to come.

The Career Tools Team