
BLUF: New responsibilities significantly increase travel - is it appropriate to negotiate for increased compensation?

My boss's boss and others just negotiated a support contract with a very important strategic partner, one point of which was to offer my services to train my counterpart group at their overseas location.  The cost of this support is to be borne entirely by the partner company.  The partner declined to pay for the expat relocation package and the two agreed instead to have me split my time 50/50 between our office and theirs.  My job responsibilities don't change with this agreement -  I retain responsibility for a team in my home country as well as the foreign-based team.

This agreement more than doubles the amount of time I am away from home.  We live in an area with weather extremes and this agreement leaves my wife to deal with many issues at home while I'm gone, such as autumn yard cleanup, snow removal, power outages, and the constant minor home repairs.  We have no family in this part of the country who can help her out so she would have to hire somebody to do the things she can't handle and that can't wait for my return.

My question is whether it is appropriate to negotiate increased compensation to cover her having to hire people to help with these issues while I am gone for 4-6 weeks at a time.  There is no change in my actual work responsibilities, but it does significantly increase my time away from home.  I'm torn because I don't know the ins and outs of what is appropriate in a situation like this.  There was no such thing as negotiating for more pay or better perks in my previous career (military) - we just sucked it up and went where we were told.  The old warrior inside me says to suck up and deal with it, but the family man in me says I should be somehow compensated for the added time away from home and to help with the cost of hiring somebody to do all the heavy chores I have always performed.

I would appreciate input from anyone who has been involved in a situation like this - from either side of the table.